Annie’s Antics – May 2021

Hello to my readers! I know it’s been quite a few years since I penned a story for The Review…my life has been a long and happy one. I did want to let you know that I crossed the Rainbow Bridge last month, and am happy to be meeting-up again with my friends Bramble, Bear, Truman, Scooby, Jackson, and even Bella (whom I acted like I didn’t like, but really did)!

My folks are very sad about losing me (to lung cancer), and I know it’s leaving a huge hole in their lives…I was their goofy, sock-stealing, bird-chasing, un-Golden, furry entertainment and love-bug, after-all. Whit and Jo are very grateful to Dr. Rogers and her team at Jacksonville Veterinary Clinic for making my crossing such a peaceful one. I also thought it would be nice to share one of my favorite columns to remember me by.

October 2010—Hello and Happy Summer! What a fun summer it is—except for those really hot days which rather wiped me out. It helped when Mom & Dad hosed me down—I love water on my face and head—just don’t make me swim in the stuff!

I have discovered a new game in the yard—I chase objects that look like my tail, a hand, a rake or stick. They move all around on the grass, but the weird thing is that when I jump on them, or try to grab them, they disappear. It does get a bit frustrating I must say. My folks laugh and mention something about shadows—I don’t know what they are talking about. All I know is, when the sun is out, I am having fun!

My mom’s really good friend, Shelly, from Denver came to visit us. I really love having people come to stay. I pride myself on being very welcoming and helpful. I helped Shelly unload her suitcase—thought her socks would look much better in the living room (with a little drool), and I emptied her wastebasket (don’t you just love the taste of boarding-pass in the morning?!). She is really cool, and knew all the right things to do and say. I even fetched the ball for her—twelve times in a row—which I never do. I like chasing the ball, but don’t see the thrill of bringing it back. Shelly kept telling mom what a good dog I was…isn’t that nice? I’m not sure why that made mom laugh each time she said it. Huh.

Maybe mom doesn’t like the fact that my guard-dog instinct kicks in during the middle of the night. Last night, for example, I had to alert my folks that right outside our bedroom sliding door were three raccoons lounging in the fountain! The nerve. Plus, these raccoons have been known to almost tip the fountain over, so I was just protecting our belongings. I would think mom would be thanking me.

Anyway—I am really enjoying my summer in this small town with big atmosphere, and I hope you are too!