Get ready for an exciting and joyful celebration of the fall season with Voices of the Applegate. Two performances will be held before Thanksgiving—Friday, November 22 at 7:00pm, in Jacksonville at the Historic Presbyterian Church, (405 E California Street) and on Sunday, November 24, at 3:00pm, at the Applegate River Lodge (15100 Highway 238.) The concerts will consist of three- and four-part harmony and include melodies such as “Send Down the Rain,” “Homeward Bound,” and Neil Diamond’s “Stargazer.”

Those who’ve visited the Eagle Point grist mill will appreciate Thomas English’s, “The Old Mill” with its chronicling of time’s memories. Have Kleenex at-the-ready for the love song “Fall on Me,” popularized by the incredible Italian tenor, Andrea Bocelli. And finally, be ready for your funny bone to scream as you hear “Cold and Fugue Season,” by none other than J. S. Bach!

Shayne Flock enters his second year as director of VOA, bringing his enthusiasm and dynamic, nuanced interpretation to audiences through the singers. This is a pre-holiday concert you won’t want to miss. Admission is not charged, children are welcome, and your voluntary contributions are welcome, helpful and most appreciated.