Art Presence Art Center is cautiously continuing the new hours introduced last month. The gallery is now open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12–5 pm.

Our guest exhibit for June showcases fiber art by members of the Southern Oregon Longarm Association (SOLA). SOLA is a group of textile artists dedicated to educating, supporting, and promoting each other in our chosen medium. They meet bi-monthly in non-Covid times, and each year devise a voluntary, open-ended challenge to stretch and demonstrate the unique variety of our art. The challenge is open to all members, beginners as well as people who have been exploring their creativity in this realm for over 20 years. A longarm is a machine used to stitch layers of fabric together. Traditionally, this machine is used to machine-stitch bed quilts. This exhibit shows the longarm’s potential and uses that extend far beyond its original purpose.

We also have a fresh collection of member artworks hanging in the main gallery through the end of the month. There’s something for just about everyone on display, so be sure to stop in the gallery and see for yourself!

If you feel safer viewing the show at home, please visit our website for a virtual tour. Contact Anne Brooke at 541-941-7057 or to inquire about the art that catches your eye or schedule a private gallery viewing. Please visit our website to enjoy virtual tours of art exhibits from the past few months!

This month’s Art & Letters Local Author Reading on Zoom features our founder, Anne Brooke, who will talk about art and life…and her popular Jacksonville Coloring Book. Visit to make your free reservation and join us at 5:00pm on Friday, June 11.

Are you an artist who needs a quiet, dedicated space to work? Art Presence has studio spaces available in our Loft with very reasonable, month-to-month rent. You’ll have your own key, and water is available. Please contact Anne Brooke to inquire.

“Magnolia,” painting by Jeanne LaRae