Art Presence Art Center’s Summer Daze show of member artwork continues on display through September 13. It’s a fantastic show, so please make sure to come in to view this collection. Remember that the gallery is open an extra day through the end of September, so you can stop by any Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, from 11:00am-5:00pm each day.

The Artists Workshop’s final show has ended, and a new guest exhibit is on the back wall. Paintings by Lucy Warnick are on display from August 6 through September 13. Warnick was born in the Chicago area and began her art education at the University of Illinois before moving to the northwest. Here, she studied at Oregon State University under Nelson Sandgren. Sandgren introduced her to painting outdoors, which is still the foundation of her work.

Lucy received a BFA in painting from the University of Oregon in 1974. She has worked as a teacher and arts administrator in Southern Oregon and Houston, Texas, as well as exhibiting her work throughout the country.

Now, news from the gallery’s Director, Anne Brooke: “With the expertise of our local videographer, Arlis Duncan, Art Presence Art Center has embarked on a brand-new venture to provide virtual tours of the exhibits at the Gallery. You will find it easy to access the show and be transported into the space with no mask and no social distancing, but be able to enjoy the fine art, handmade gifts and books, maybe enough to lure you in to find something to grace your home.

“As time goes on, we will do features and short interviews of our guests and of course our members, especially now, when we are unable to have receptions. Please use to access the videos. You will also find them on our website, We are proud to be back in business and anxious to show off. Thanks to our Board Member and videographer, Arlis Duncan, for her excellent work.”

Local artist ALERT! After a complete remodel of the upstairs space, our new Loft is now open. Studio space is available for three more artists. The spaces are well-appointed and quiet, with water available. Artists will have their own key to access the studio space they rent. Please contact Anne Brooke at 541-941-7057.

Featured image: Untitled river scene by Lucy Warnick.