Besides serving as the state animal, and the OSU emblem, Beavers are incredibly valuable components of our natural and managed ecosystems. This is becoming especially evident as climate change compromises water supplies across the landscape. Unfortunately, beavers can also become a menace for some forest and agricultural operations. As a result, they have become the subject of meaningful legislation over the last two sessions in Salem, firstly to provide them some protection and secondly to help landowners learn how to coexist with them.

During SOCCAN’s March open public meeting on Tuesday March 26th, Jakob Shockey, founder and Executive Director of Project Beaver will deliver a presentation on Beaver during which he will offer an introduction to the beavers, followed by a discussion of how they build habitat resilience and water security in the face of climate change. Jakob will round out with a discussion of the challenges they face and ways folks can help.

The program is free and open to the public. It will run from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the Medford Public Library, 205 S. Central Avenue, Medford