I wear several hats. One as your Mayor which has priority over all others. Another hat is the “movie guy.” The third is Randall Theatre board member. That’s the hat I’m wearing as I write this.

Remember when the theater moved to Jacksonville in 2017? The only facility large enough for the Randall to operate was the Calvary Church on 5th Street who was at first very enthusiastic about the idea. The two arranged an agreement whereby the Randall moved from Medford and began running shows greatly welcomed by our townspeople, and literally doubling the audience size. By year’s end there was an apparent dissatisfaction over the agreement on the part of the church and in 2018 the Randall was given their walking papers with a 30 day notice. In the meantime thousands of dollars were spent on a new platform, lights and sound systems. A stage can’t be moved, thus Randall was forced to leave it behind.

The move back to Medford incurred even more unexpected expenses. The Randall is now in a spacious new home, but the cost of all this has run far beyond what any community theater can handle. THAT IS WHY I AM WRITING THIS COLUMN.

Remember Young Frankenstein, the Musical? I’ve been thinking of that show all day. It was truly Broadway quality! And I have experienced more than my share of Broadway shows. No ifs… no ands… no buts. I had my own show Ginger The Musical with a Toni winning production crew and Broadway equity performers. We got as far as Columbus, Ohio and had rave reviews, but were unable to raise the immense amount to take a show to New York. The show 42nd Street cost twenty million dollars before it opened. I mention this to show I know a little about theater… and Young Frankenstein was brilliant theater. Any theatrical company capable of putting that kind of show on deserves support… and the Randall does.

Here’s my idea. Will those of you who saw that show contribute something to the Randall? Anything from ten dollars up might just bring in the amount the Randall needs to get over this hump. You would have paid more than 100 dollars for that show on Broadway. Donate a little extra right now. It’s tax deductible. Just go to the Randall website at https://www.facebook.com/randalltheatre/

Or directly to their Paypal page at https://www.paypal.me/randalltheatre

or call the theater. 541-632-3258

And oh yes, even if you didn’t see Young Frankenstein perhaps you’d still like to contribute. For all who donate, I’ll be more than happy to give you credit as a community supporter in a future column. But don’t delay! Call or email now.

Thank you!