Every morning at Ruch Outdoor Community School, students, staff, parents and community members greeted each other with smiles, hugs, high fives and fellowship that set the tone for the day. We checked in face to face, shared stories, read facial expressions, performed silly skits, read poems, danced to music with no thought of “social distancing”. In fact, most of us had never heard of this term. Today, our morning community time is different.

Since March, Friday the 13th, our entire school experience has taken on a new less personal face. Medford School District Anywhere Learning now finds our students learning from their homes. Their relationships with their peers and teachers are limited to the technology available to them and their learning is guided and facilitated through weekly Learning Grids and Healthy Living Grids at their grade level. Teachers are working hard and discovering creative ways to engage and inspire their students. Students are working hard and discovering creative ways to complete their assigned lessons. Parents are working hard to protect their families, sustain their employment and perform teacher duties to make sure their students do not suffer too much loss of learning while we figure this pandemic out. This is not easy for anyone!

“I just wish that I could be quarantined with my child’s 5th grade teacher.” Ruch School parent

“I miss my friends. I miss my teacher. I miss breakfast and lunch.” 6th grade student

“Just seeing my students on the computer screen is not enough. I want to be in the same space, give them a hug, help them with their lessons…I miss being that kind of teacher.” Ruch School teacher

Each week, students receive a Learning Grid. It includes activities both online and offline for Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Science. Students may choose which activities in each content area and that choice is often dictated by their internet access and resources available to them. In addition, they receive another Grid titled “Healthy Living.” Activities to choose from are in the area of Physical Education, Art, Music and Social/Emotional Health. Again, students get to choose from a brief menu in each area. Students have a week to complete their chosen activities and provide their teacher evidence of learning. This can be completed through various digital tools that allow students to “turn in” their homework.

Teachers are responsible to make at least two contacts each week with every child. This is done through a variety of ways: phone calls, texts, emails, ZOOM meetings etc. Although this is mandated by Oregon Department of Education, it is imperative for them to make sure their kids are safe, healthy, if they are needing help with the lessons on the Grids and if their family is in need of food, hotspots for their devices, or anything else. Ruch Outdoor Community School is committed to making sure that our families and community members have what they need to successfully get through this challenging time.

How long schools will remain closed, how student learning will be affected and what will school look like in the future is difficult to answer at this time. We just do not know. What we do know about our students, their families, local businesses in the Applegate Valley and supporters of Ruch School, is that together we are making a very difficult situation an opportunity to grow stronger, closer – and demonstrating to our youth, what the face of empathy should look like.

With generous donations of money, time, effort and compassion this community has been able to provide our children free lunches and breakfasts, seeds, starts and veggies to start their own “Victory” Garden, chromebooks, wifi hotspots, clothing, groceries for a week at a time, books, and more. Please join me in thanking a few of our heroes and recognize their efforts to take care of us in this time of need.

  • Medford School District
  • Rooted in Hope
  • SODEXO Food Service
  • White Oak Farms
  • United Way
  • Friends of the Library
  • ROCS
  • Code 3 Coffee
  • A Greater Applegate
  • Indigo Bar and Grill
  • Ruch Gardens Nursery
  • Ruch Country Store
  • McKee Bridge Historical Society
  • Harry and David
  • Theresa McCormick Center

And to all the patrons who “rounded up” their purchases at Ruch Country Store.

I am very humbled to work, live, grow and be an active member of this community. Here’s to when we can stand face to face, hug, share a handshake, share a meal in our favorite restaurant, go to school and resume our morning community time altogether.

Photo is 5-year-old Teddy Crump Taken by Julie Barry at McKee Bridge – where free breakfast, lunch and plants for “Victory Garden” are offered to children.