Wow! What a successful morning Saturday for the Cemetery Clean-up!

Dirk Siedlecki, President of the Friends of Jacksonville’s Historic Cemetery, and organizer of the Clean-ups writes, “Thank you so much for the great clean-up on Saturday morning. What a great turn out and so much was accomplished.

We had 62 names on our sign in sheet and may have missed a couple, as people were going right to work as they arrived. Mike Tupper did a bag count and came up with 287 bags but, that probably went to 290, as Dan Kaylin, Peter Grant and Carol Knapp were still filling bags after the official count!

The lunch, Hosted by the Masons following the clean-up, was a real treat! It was nice to sit down and have a hot meal and visit. Thanks again everyone for all your work yesterday and for all that you do for your community.”