My View – December 2020/January 2021

Where were you when you heard that President Kennedy had been shot? How about the day Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon? Do you remember the day the Space Shuttle exploded? Were you at work or at home when you watched terrorists flying hijacked airplanes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon? Oh yeah, do you recall where you were when the concept and impact of COVID-19 hit home?

I’m betting that years from now, when reminiscing about other “when and where’s,” you’ll clearly remember where you were during the pandemic of 2020—an event and a year that’s sure to have altered the course of history by then. From lockdowns to wearing facemasks, to online Zoom meetings/gatherings to curbside pickup, our “new normal” may be here to stay, vaccine or not. As I re-penned this column today, the governor had just imposed a two-week “Freeze” lockdown, shuttering businesses that are high-human-touch in another effort to stem a rising tide of virus transmissions. I don’t want to preach or raise the ire of anyone here, but please, listen to the health professionals/scientists and wear a mask, wash your hands, practice social distancing and do your part in ending this pandemic before we no longer have a town to talk about.

On New Year’s Eve, I’m looking forward to making a toast of “good riddance” to 2020. In the meantime, I’m grateful to live in a beautiful place, surrounded by caring neighbors and exceptional volunteers in our Small Town with Big Atmosphere!