Joyfull Living – March 2015

Trust is one of the most important ingredients in any relationship. It takes courage, time and effort to build trust. When we trust someone we can let go of fear and doubt. We get a comforting feeling in our bones that this person is true, honest and real. This allows us to surrender into a sweet feeling in our hearts that resonates with our truth. We know that no matter what happens, even when we make a mistake, we will be accepted for who we are, unconditionally. Trust doesn’t require perfection. It is built with acceptance and forgiveness. Creating trust means expressing unconditional love. It is impossible to truly trust another person if you don’t trust, love and accept yourself.

How much time are you investing in building trust in your life? Think about the people you trust. Make a list and include not just friends and family but mentors and business relationships as well. Are you on your list? Trust requires you to take responsibility for what is showing up in your life. It takes time, effort and care. Every time you judge yourself, or another person, you are creating distrust. With every act that nurtures respect, forgiveness and acceptance, you are building trust. When you say what you mean, and mean what you say, you are building trust.

If people have let you down, or disappointed you in the past, your ability to trust can be compromised. By setting up high expectations that lead to disappointment and by holding on to old disempowering belief systems, we sabotage our ability to trust. The more we hold on to the stories of distrust, the more we attract unpleasant situations that keep recreating the experience of “being done wrong” or “let down.” When we feel like a victim, afraid of not having enough, not being enough or afraid of what “might” happen, we live in fear and distrust. From that place it is very challenging to trust and experience unconditional love.

Here are a few ideas to get you started with some building blocks to strengthen trust and cultivate unconditional love:

Begin by practicing accepting and forgiving your self, the Universe, then others who have been part of unpleasant experiences.

Actively invest time and effort building trusting, loving relationships. Start with your self by developing a daily spiritual practice to deepen your connection to your Higher-self and the Divine (Great Spirit, God of your understanding.)

Create the intention to practice not judging yourself and others. Be mindful throughout your day.

Meet the challenges in your life with compassion.

Practice strengthening your ability to trust your own intuition when you need to make a decision about something or someone: Put your left hand on your heart, right hand on your belly. With a few deep breaths into your belly, clear your mind as you imagine breathing in sunlight and releasing out all the mental chatter. Then ask yourself: “How do I feel about this opportunity or person?”—if it feels expansive and supportive go for it. If you feel indecision or constriction, step back and review the opportunity.

Ask for help and support. If any of the above feels like an overwhelming prospect, getting help is a courageous and healing act of self-love.

I know that everything in my life happens FOR me and not TO me. From that place I can look at challenges as opportunities to heal and clear the old stories that are not serving the higher good. This practice is not always easy but it fosters compassion and builds a loving, trusting relationship with the Universe, others and myself. It clears the way to live in the flow of feeling supported by the Universe. It is the doorway to true abundance and joy.

Cultivating a trusting relationship with yourself and the universe is crucial to your well-being. If you are serious about living a joy-full life, your participation is required. The world needs your unique gift and expression of unconditional love. It does take time and effort but it is well worth it, because in the end Trust brings unconditional love and love is everything.

I will be launching my Get A.L.I.F.E. program on March 20th. This is an online, 90-day transformational program designed to support you to create a trusting, loving relationship with your authentic self in your Life journey. You will gain tools to build and strengthen the pillars to support you to live with Acceptance, Love, Inspiration, Fearless & Empowered. For more info, please visit