I AM WRITING IN OPPOSITION of the proposed 2 shotgun lot partitions that would fragment this Historic Touvelle property at 455 N. Oregon St.

The Frank Touvelle House and its entirety is an Historic Icon located on a specifically important corner of the entrance to the Jacksonville Cemetery, both playing a meaningful role in our “NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK TOWN” reputation.

Some of our residents and townspeople know that there was a public hearing on June 5 presented to the Jacksonville Planning Commission members. All 4 members initially voted “no”, then decided to re-address this proposal until the next meeting on July 10th at 6 pm.

There are concerns that if this gets approved, precedence is set that our beloved & significant historic landmarks sites could all be diminished and gone forever. This would be devastating and would have a long term negative impact.

Chapter 18 of the JUDC describes the significance of Preservation Principles of such “sites’ which have cultural, heritage and need to be recognized as products of their own time. This proposal does not coincide with, align with the very reason chapter 18 was written.

I would like to make our townspeople aware of this proposal and ask kindly that our Jacksonville Planning Commission, City Council and HARC take careful consideration of preserving this site as a whole.


Gina M. Savage