My Neighbor’s Garden – by Kay Faught, Blue Door Garden Store
What a pleasure to find a very “individualistic” style of a garden. This month’s garden took me on a walk through a forest garden that protects its mountain chalet-style hideaway… not a typical home for this area! Bob and Joanne Wilcox’s home and garden was a “retreat” to me, from the moment I drove up the tree-canopied drive. A huge 100 year-old deodora cedar sits at the home’s corner, as if to tell you there is history and serenity ahead of you, surrounding the equally old home.
I got out of my car and paused, smelling the surroundings of years of evergreens, pasture grasses, soil and wet rock walls. Those smells and cool shade invite you to a world secluded from Old Stage Road that lies only 100 yards down the hill! Time has given them shelter, with no noise and no homes in sight.
Walking up the Jacksonville Stone walk (Joann points out the inlaid fossils!) to the front door, I passed Oregon grape and rustic planting that knew its environment! Fragrant Daphne brushed my shoulder as I turned to go up the steps to the door. The top sun-drenched step held grouped geranium laden terra cotta pots, and a planting bed of lantana and impatient added a color hit to say, “welcome!” yet not detract from the mood.
We walked under a big beam wisteria-laden pergola, into the backyard. Huge trees appear before you as the scene opens to a “calm” expanse of grass. Close to the house, ground covers of rock garden creepers, introduce you slowly to the aged garden to come. The trees, all planted by the Wilcox’s 43 years ago, now envelope the back. Beneath them are stone-lined walkways around the edge, passing beds of Daphne, ferns, grasses, forget- me-not’s, boxwood honeysuckle, and a sweet pottery bird bath. A bench along the way and a twig couch nestled in the back corner provide spots to pause.
Although deer are frustrating, the Wilcox’s joy received from the garden overrides worrying about the garden being perfect! Years ago, they used a landscaper to help with its layout, but the rest has been their own ideas. Bob has a lot invested in this place as he hauled every rock that lines the back walkways and walls. After a fall that resulted in a broken hip for Joanne, all the steps in the garden were changed to strolling pathways for safety… a look that just seems to fit with the nature scape.
It is beautiful and I noticed such a wonderful connection between the chalet mountain home and the surrounding environment – something I think is often ignored by gardeners. The Wilcox’s seem to just sense the connectivity. A 20 foot camellia, for example, at the back edge of the house, is not trimmed or manicured while banks of St. John’s wort are mixed in with vinca on the walk to the drive. It is all a natural flow.
Bob and Joanne have lived in their hideaway for 43 years. Retirement in 1998 allowed more garden time, and now both say they never want to leave. They garden because they love the peace and seclusion and the fulfillment it provides. Joanne mentioned how important it is that your garden works and that you need to be able to enjoy it and relax! “We enjoy it every moment and never want to leave here.” I concurred on that glorious morning and sure had a hard time heading off to work!