The Citywide Yard Slae is Here: September 7-9. It is important to remember that this event is NOT sponsored by the City of Jacksonville, Oregon and that there are public safety issues associated with this event. When our town becomes full of bargain hunters and treasure seekers there are areas where parking becomes an issue. Here are some basic guidelines to follow during the busy weekend. These guidelines are supported by the Jacksonville Municipal Code and the Oregon Revised Statutes.
- The yellow, red and green markings on the roadway and the curbs indicate that parking is either not allowed or limited. Be aware of your surroundings.
- It is never allowed to park within 20 feet of an intersection whether the curb or ground is painted or not unless a designated parking space is indicated.
- Public safety vehicles must be able to travel safely down all streets in case of an emergency.
- Do not park with any portion of your vehicle extending into the roadway.
- If the road is painted with no parking and/or a yellow, red or green line pulling into the area inside of that line no matter how far off the street the vehicle is, is still considered illegally parking.
- Timed parking will be enforced.
- Handicapped parking will be enforced.
- North Fifth St and California are actually a State Highway and subject to tickets associated with the Oregon State Police and Jackson County Sheriff Department also.
- Read the signs at the beginning and ending of each block to see if parking is limited in that area.
The City-wide Yard Sale weekend is a busy one. Illegal parking makes it more dangerous for all people involved. The police will be ticketing illegally parked vehicles. Please be sure you follow the law.
For the Official Citywide Garage Policy, click here