Name: Steve Casaleggio
Running For: City Councilor – Incumbent
How long resided in Jacksonville: 19 years

I’m running for City Council to: replace our 100-year old water reservoir; help complete our new, interactive history museum; finish sorely needed updates to Jacksonville’s Municipal Code; and grapple with increasing state law mandates, while providing for our police and fire services, despite our woefully small tax base.

Other than my two, previous City Council terms, I’ve been an active Booster since 2006, twice as Club president and chairing numerous projects. Boosters are all about getting things done for Jacksonville—just like the City Council. A good sense of the City’s financial, administrative and cultural needs came from serving on the Budget Committee, the Transient Lodging Tax Committee, chairing the Parks Committee and as Councilor liaison to the Cemetery and Planning Commissions.

It has been my honor and privilege to serve with this City Council. While we may not always agree, disagreements have been invariably collegial and always respectful. The current Council brings thoughtful, overriding commitment to addressing City, not personal, issues. I hope my return to the Council will help its continued success in answering the City’s needs.

The City’s biggest, continuing challenge is funding our critical police and fire services. Given our permanently frozen $1.84 property tax rate, City pay scales can’t compete with other neighbor agencies. A voted local tax levy only lasts 5 years with no assured renewal. Without surcharges, the City’s general fund will be stressed, threatening reductions for other services. Some form of consolidation with another fire department or a special tax district are worth exploring. I have confidence in our Council’s ability to find suitable answers.

Steve Casaleggio