My View – October 2020

I’m pleased to present this month’s issue with a special section on the 2020 Jacksonville City Council race. With so much news coverage on COVID-19, the devastating fires, economic challenges, national politics and other not-so-pleasant topics, it’s refreshing for a change to be able to endorse an entire slate of candidates…this year’s election includes an uncontested mayoral race and 4 candidates vying for 3 council seats.

Donna Bowen is running uncontested and will make a fine Mayor. I’ve known her for years and have watched her in action at the committee and council level and admire her ability to run a meeting and work with varied personalities and interest groups. She has big shoes to fill with the retirement of Mayor Paul Becker… yet I know she’s the perfect fit for the job. When Donna takes the oath of office on January 5, 2021, the council will need to appoint someone to fill her remaining two-year council term. I’m hopeful that the runner-up in the council race will be appointed but understand that no mandate exists to do so.

On your ballot, the City Council ticket includes 2 incumbents—Steve Casaleggio and Mike McClain, along with first-time office seekers Scott Selbe and Andrea Lerner Thompson. As you’ll read in their individual candidate statements, each possesses an excellent skill set that’s needed to serve on City Council. As I’ve said during every race, the best city councilors are those who’ve served at the committee and commission levels and have gained contextual knowledge of how the city operates. Most importantly, good councilors have developed good relationships amongst our citizenry and with staff. Lucky for us, all 4 council candidates have distinguished service records and deserve your vote!

In addition to supporting the candidates, I encourage you to support the fundraising efforts by our Chamber of Commerce for Victorian Christmas. If you don’t know, the month-long celebration is NOT paid for by the city and your help is needed this year. With the massive fundraising needs of our neighbor’s in Phoenix and Talent, I hope you’ll consider sending a portion of your generous donations to our Chamber of Commerce and helping light up our Small Town with Big Atmosphere!