The entire talented cast. Photo by Mike Tupper


Thank you to all who were able to attend our Sixth Annual Meet the Pioneers Cemetery Tours on Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15. Both days, and all the tours were totally sold out to a very excited and enthusiastic audience. The feedback we have received has been nothing but praise for our Players and for a very well organized and professionally presented event. New this year, the Narratives, were very well received along with the stories of some of Jacksonville’s “molders and shapers”. The continued success of this Program will ensure ongoing restoration and preservation work in the cemetery and also support for the music program at Jacksonville’s Elementary School. We very much appreciate the support of the community and our neighbors, near and far, for attending the Program. You’re our audience and without you, there would be no show, so thank you so much for being there.

From left: Robert Hight, Vivienne Grant & Gary Miller. Photo by Mike Tupper

I would like to thank our Research Team, Marjorie Edens, Sonia Findley, Dianne Helmer, Betty Miller, Gail Nicholson and Mike Tupper, who started working on this year’s program in January, and found the interesting and historical stories that were presented. Our Players, all 18 of them, for taking that research material and putting together such wonderful scripts and for becoming the individuals that they presented.

Steve Casaleggio and Ann Wilton. Photo by Mike Tupper

When they say it takes a village, I can tell you that it does to put this program on. Each day there were 25 volunteers up in the cemetery guiding groups around the tour route, serving refreshments to the workers and watching out for everyone’s safety. In addition, another 18 volunteers handled ticketing, boarding and directing traffic in and around the D Street Parking Lot. A special thank you to those who came early to help setup for the tours and those who were able to help with the take down.  Thanks to Kathy Waltz, Pat Dahl and Mary Siedlecki for assisting with side walk ticket sales on a couple of Sunday afternoons. All our volunteers are what makes this event come together and be the huge success that it has been for the past six years. There are no words to really thank them for all that they do and contribute to Meet the Pioneers and the community. It is an absolute pleasure and joy to work with each and everyone of them.

Doug Hansen & Peggy Peffley. Photo by Mike Tupper

I would also like to extend my sincere appreciation to the staff and residents of Pioneer Village for their continued support and assistance for this program. A special thank you to Ed Ingerbretson for being such a great and polite driver. The Jacksonville Review for such great coverage of this event and their wonderful service and support to the community and all its various Clubs and Organizations. The Jacksonville Chamber and Visitor Center, Sandi, Terri and Maryl for a super job handling ticket sales for us. The First Presbyterian Church of Jacksonville for allowing us to offer our guests chairs to sit on. Mayor Becker, the City Council and the City Staff for their support. To all our cemetery neighbors for their understanding and patience during the tours. Ron and Dee Moore for their ongoing support and assistance with tickets and photos. Mike Tupper for taking all his wonderful photos during the two days of tours. The Southern Oregon Historical and Rogue Valley Genealogical Societies for their assistance with research material. Climate Control Mini Storage for the use of their truck, and finally, to Bill and Debra Miller for their work on filming this year’s tours and their love of history.

From left: Carolyn Kingsnorth, Constance Jesser and Terry Erdmann. Photo by Mike Tupper

Again, if you attended the tours, thank you for coming and sharing the experience. If you were one of our great volunteers, please know that your assistance was sincerely appreciated. To all our other contributors, thank you for your generosity in helping us to put this event on. Hope to see you all back next year when will be presenting our 7th Annual Meet the Pioneers on October 12, and 13, with new stories of early life in Jacksonville and the Rogue Valley.

With our sincere appreciation and gratitude,

Dirk Siedlecki, President of FOJHC

Dirk J. Siedlecki – President, Friends of Jacksonville’s Historic Cemetery

Steve Casaleggio – President, Jacksonville Boosters Club