My View – October 2024

PLEASE JOIN ME IN SUPPORTING Donna Bowen for Mayor and Steve Casaleggio, Andrea Thompson, and John Jorgenson for City Council. Every two years, we elect a slate of volunteers to represent the best interests of our citizenry. This year we are fortunate to have a slate of highly-qualified citizens running for election.

Incumbent Mayor Donna Bowen is running unopposed, a reflection of the incredible job she has done overseeing the operations of the city staff and council. Thanks to her vision, leadership and personable nature, our city is running smoothly and is well-prepared to handle upcoming issues that will ensure that our town continues to thrive.

Incumbent Councilor Steve Casaleggio has been working diligently for decades on projects that have benefited us all. He possesses a deep understanding of the budget, the municipal code, and the administrative functions of the city. He has served on numerous committees and commissions and has always been an active leader who’s highly respected and liked by his peers.

Incumbent Councilor Andrea Thompson is one of the best councilors I’ve had the privilege of working with and supporting in my 16-year tenure as publisher. She comes to each meeting prepared to discuss agenda items, ask tough questions and collaborate to find reasonable solutions. She has demonstrated excellent leadership skills and has earned another term.

Candidate John Jorgenson caught my attention as a council candidate when I served with him on the Committee for Citizen Involvement. I am pleased that he’s taking the next step and running for a council seat, where he’ll be an excellent addition to city leadership. John’s prior civic involvement is an excellent stepping stone for service on the council.

Candidate Michelle Erwin is to be commended for her willingness to serve the city. However, as I say at every election, the most qualified councilors get their feet wet volunteering on a committee or commission first. There are openings to fill that will provide her with an opportunity to learn the ropes and discover how the city operates before serving on the council.

This election year, please join me in supporting Mayor Bowen, Steve Casaleggio, Andrea Thompson, and John Jorgenson for City Council in our Small Town with Big Atmosphere!

Click Here to Meet the 2024 Candidates!