April is National Poetry Month and poetry will be wafting through the streets of Jacksonville in celebration.

Poets on the Loose, sponsored by Art Presence, will appear on April 28 as poets and poetry lovers cheerfully roam downtown reading poems to friends, shop owners and willing strangers.

The event, similar to previous enthusiastic Poets on the Loose events in Ashland, was inspired by Canadian poet Wendy Morton who launched wildly successful Random Acts of Poetry across that nation. Lawrence Ferlinghetti in his poetry activist book, “Poetry as Insurgent Art,” declared, “If you call yourself a poet, don’t just sit there. Poetry is not a ‘take your seat practice.’ Stand up there and let them have it.”

If you’re in town on Saturday, April 28, it is quite possible you will be “poemed” by a loose and merry poet. Watch and listen as they bring poetry to its feet and stand there and let you have it. It won’t hurt a bit.

Saturday, April 28
Downtown Jacksonville
High Noon