New JoyFull Living Wellness Center located at 135 S. Oregon Street, grand-opening June 8 for Taste of Summer!
JoyFull Living by Louise Lavergne
One of the big themes of the last few months has been coping with change. We experienced a powerful solar eclipse in May and many of us have been pushed into unfamiliar waters. Change is something that we tend to resist. Letting go of the familiar can stir fear and keep us trapped in limiting situations.
Courage is the ability to take action when fear of the unknown wants to keep us in the confines of the familiar.
I have had the opportunity to embrace change often in my life. Recently, it was not an easy decision to move out of our cozy space, tucked away, but we have moved to 135 S. Oregon Street, a beautiful, bigger space next to the Good Bean. After over 7 years, JoyFull Yoga now has the space to truly be the JoyFull Living Wellness Center, with a wide offering for your health, well-being and enjoyment. JoyFull Yoga offers classes, workshops and retreats as well as JoyFull Yoga Teacher Training.
We have expanded our JoyFull Earth retail store, offering more inspirational and holistic lifestyle items for self-care, from herbal tinctures to lotions as well as crystals, art, jewelry (focused on metaphysical properties of gemstones), eco and fair trade gift items, as well as eco-clothing. JoyFull Living coaching is expanding with our online classes and community (www.joyfull-living.com).
The addition of our commercial kitchen is giving a home to a few outstanding producers featuring Chef Kristen Lyon’s new home of her successful catering business: “The Farm Kitchen.” She’s also offering classes, farm-fresh prepared, ready to go foods (including gluten-free and vegetarian options). Keep an eye out for upcoming delicious and healthy Britt Baskets. We are offering fresh pressed juices such as carrot, apple, ginger and a variety of combinations including my own favorite recipe—Rainbow juice: carrot, beet, apple, wheatgrass, lemon and ginger. We look forward to bringing community together for special events including, fresh foods, music, my Sound Healing and other inspirational gatherings to name a few.
My goal is to continue to offer more tools and support for JoyFull Living for us all to co-create a more JoyFull earth. Retreat weekends will be scheduled, mostly in the fall, winter and spring, to bring more people to Jacksonville and give our Rogue Valley community another place to come together to be inspired on their journey. All this takes a village and our team is growing to make it a reality. Come and meet them at our opening on June 8 as part of Jacksonville’s Taste of Summer event. We’ll have our Event Coordinator, Marcella Robertson, doing juice tastings, special olive oil tasting with Lara Knackstedt, and Kristen Lyon will be sampling some of her special seasonal offerings. A Free JoyFull Yoga class at 9:30am is a great way to start what promises to be a fun day in Jacksonville.
I have plans to bring in other holistic offerings, so be sure to visit one of my websites and join our email list to receive all the updates of events and services we offer at www.joyfull-yoga.com or www.joyfull-living.com.
JoyFull Living Wellness Center is located at 135 S Oregon Street in Jacksonville, 541-899-0707.
Oh my, Louise. Though we don’t know each other, I’m sending encouragement (“courage”) and support in your enhanced (ad)venture!! I didn’t know the scope of what you were developing in that wonderful space. I’m excited to stop by and enjoy it with you.
Kristen might be interested in checking out “SHED” in Healdsburg, CA. They have a fermentation bar. My daughter and her nanny rave about the Ginger Kombucha drinks!
Blessings from a villager,