Despite the heat, including a week’s worth of triple-digit temperatures, along with smoke from the wildfires, our volunteers managed to contribute 153 hours of volunteer labor during the month of August 2021. These hours were dedicated to grounds maintenance, cleaning of headstones and monuments, and restoration work. Not included is the time that our Adopt-A-Block volunteers put in caring for their adopted grave sites.

Two major restoration projects were taken on this year, the Bybee block in the City Section is nearing completion. All the walls that enclose the block were rebuilt and a new footing was just added under the large family monument in the center of the block. The Chavner block in the Catholic section is nearing completion as well. The walls and steps were removed and the large family monument was moved forward to avoid tree roots that were causing the monument to lean. Then the steps leading into the block were rebuilt as well as the sandstone walls that surround the block. Much appreciation to John McGlothlin and John Elliott for all their hard work on rebuilding these blocks. Thanks Richard Shields and Eric Villarreal of the Public Works Department for skillfully and successfully lifting and moving the Chavner monument. When finished, both sites should be safe and secure for many years to come. The photo taken by John McGlothlin shows the Chavner block prior to work starting in early August.

I have received so many wonderful comments and praise from locals and visitors alike about how nice the cemetery looks and is being cared for. As I thank them, I explain that it is all the result of our small army of volunteers who take pride in helping to care for our Pioneer Cemetery. Thank you volunteers—all your efforts are noticed and sincerely appreciated.

Upcoming October 2021 Cemetery Event: History Saturday in the Cemetery, October 2, 10am —Our program, “Snake Oils and Sound Practice; Successes, Failures and Antidotes of Pioneer Medicine,” will be presented by Leslee Parr and Michael Sneary and starts at 10am. This program was originally scheduled for August 14, but was canceled due to poor air quality. No advance reservations are required and there is no charge for attending. We do ask that you consider making a donation to help support the work of the Friends of Jacksonville’s Historic Cemetery. The program is approximately ninety minutes and includes a short walking tour. Meet your docents at the top of the Cemetery Road where you will find parking available. We ask that you plan to follow the CDC COVID-19 guidelines in place at the time.

As a reminder, there will be no Meet the Pioneers program this year due to the ongoing COVID situation. We appreciate your understanding now and your support in past years.

Featured image: Photo taken by John McGlothlin shows the Chavner block prior to work starting in early August 2021.