Jacksonville Review – September 2024

JULY IN THE JACKSONVILLE HISTORIC CEMETERY saw warmer weather, and, with it, an onslaught of Madrone leaves often obscuring the markers our visitors seek when touring or paying respects to departed family and friends. While city staff does their best to keep up, all of us as Adopt-A-Block “parents” need to do our part to help keep the cemetery presentable and fire-safe for all. (Please note: with the current county-wide fire danger rating of EXTREME, the use of power maintenance equipment is prohibited until further notice.)

July’s History Saturday topic, “Lawyers, Judges and a Sheriff or Two,” reminded us that the Rogue Valley and Jacksonville were, indeed, once part of the “wild, wild west,” as our four presenters focused their three presentations on a timeless question: guilty or innocent? Sisters Ireland and Roan Reed told the story of Louis O’Neil and “the last hanging in Jacksonville.” Robert Hight recounted the tale of “the game warden (Arthur Hubbard) and the poacher (Loris Martin)” and the story of James Fay and the Ralls family was presented by Ellen Martin, who also led the morning’s tour to related cemetery sites. Thanks to Ireland, Roan, Robert, and Ellen for sharing some fascinating and well-told history!

An important mission of the Friends of Jacksonville‘s Historic Cemetery is the preservation and restoration of cemetery markers, headstones, and monuments, many of which are well over 150 years old. Our restoration team recently completed work at the Fitts/Greenman/Taylor block (Masonic 382) to repair the south-east corner bollard that was broken by an act of vandalism in August 2020. Less than a year earlier, the entire block had undergone a complete restoration by Dirk Siedlecki, John McGlothlin, and others, that included an extensive rebuild of the brick curbing, repairs to several of the bollards, replacement of missing sections of chain, and leveling of the obelisk at the rear of the block.

Now, due to the efforts of Friends volunteers Dee Reynar, John McGlothlin, and cemetery Sexton Rick Shields, all is again well at the Fitts/Greenman/Taylor block, and we thank Dee, John and Rick for a job well done!


  • History Saturday in the Cemetery, Saturday, September 14, 10-11:30am, “Love and Marriage…in Victorian Times”—No advance registration. Please dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.
  • Marker Cleaning Workshop, Saturday, September 21, 9am-noon—This is a hands-on workshop, so dress accordingly. Bring a stool to sit on, plus sunscreen and a hat.
  • All Events—Meet at the Sexton’s Tool House, top of Cemetery Road. Parking within the cemetery.

Please check our website at friendsjvillecemetery.org for future events and programs.

Featured image: Repairs Complete: Fitts/Greenman/Taylor Block (Masonic 382). Photo by: Dick Meyers