Recently, I posted a photo on Facebook of my soon-to-be-replaced laptop that drew dozens of comments about the agony of adapting to new technology. Today, this column is being typed on a lightning-fast new laptop, with enough muscle to run the world from Oregon and Main.  As a “hands on home row” guy with fond memories of my old IBM Selectric, this new machine is overkill in my book…or newspaper.  Nevertheless, I’m determined to adapt for my readers and the betterment of mankind!

This morning, while transferring data from my old PC to the new, I found a folder, “Columns to Consider.” Though none have made it to press, here’s a snippet:  “Parking is for Customers” was to be a long-winded column to remind business owners that hogging spaces in front of your store defeats the purpose of having “customer parking” in the first place and is anti-business. Similarly, “Spruce it or Lose It” was aimed to nudge some offending homeowners and business owners to pay closer attention to the appearance of their properties and clean them up. Finally, “Newbies Needed,” will be aimed at enticing a few (hopefully one or two under age 50) citizens to WIN City Council seats in November to take-on leadership roles and keep Jacksonville moving forward. (There’s a lack of representation at the Council level for families.)

As Spring wildflowers blanket Jacksonville in color, exciting things are going on!  You’ll find a complete events list in this issue AND online at – our website is updated daily with lots of stories not found in the print issue.  And, in mid-April, you’ll find the calendar on our digital information kiosk in the lobby of the Beekman Bank at California & 3rd.

Enjoy Spring in Our Small Town with Big Atmosphere!