A Few Minutes with the Mayor2020-09-30T14:15:31-07:00

A Few Minutes with the Mayor

What a Nightmare – by Mayor Paul Becker

A Few Minutes with the Mayor – November 2014

The following scenario has not happened, but with all things possible is certainly worth contemplating…

It took months, but the sale of the old courthouse to the We […]

Change! Change? – by Mayor Paul Becker

A Few Minutes with the Mayor – September 2014

Now there’s a word that can strike fear into the hearts and minds of otherwise stout-hearted men and women. How many times have we all heard someone […]

Thoughts on Thinking – by Mayor Paul Becker

A Few Minutes with the Mayor – August 2014

How many of you remember one of the most common commands in the English language appearing in the business community following the end of World War 2? […]

Our Crucible of Freedom – by Mayor Paul Becker

A Few Minutes with the Mayor – July 2014

This June marked the 70th anniversary of “D Day,” when a brave and mighty fleet of soldiers landed on Normandy’s beach, where virtually the entire first wave […]

A Window Into the Past – by Mayor Paul Becker

We may live in an historic town, but I’ll wager that when studying history in school, you hated it. Was your history class like mine, consisting of nothing more than memorizing important dates of people and bigger-than-life events? King George may have been a bad king… at least from the American colonists’ point of view, but what were we taught about the man himself? Very little!

Ethics in our World Today – by Mayor Paul Becker

In today’s world the question arises… what is the definition of ethics, for often it seems to be lacking in at least some of our public officials. At least the daily headlines keep telling us that...

A Few Minutes with the Mayor, March 2014 – by Mayor Paul Becker

An incident occurred on my recent vacation that some might call coincidence… but I know better. My wife and I were strolling around a crowded street fair in Palm Springs when, quite unexpectedly, we heard a voice behind us cry out, “There’s the mayor of Jacksonville.” Sure enough, it turned out to be a couple who were also vacationing from Jacksonville.

A New Year with New Beginnings – by Mayor Paul Becker

New Year’s Eve 2013 marked the end of my third year as mayor, an occupation which seemed most improbable to me when growing up—it was a different world back then. This thought crossed my mind while recently watching an old Hopalong Cassidy film...

Tis the Season! – by Mayor Paul Becker

It was almost a century ago, 1916 to be exact, when a young man, only 18, was put on a boat by his six older brothers and shipped off to America before the Turkish army could conscript him...

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