We invite you to a ten-class learning adventure in food preservation arts. Students learn how to prepare garden produce for preserving, the ins and outs of food preservation equipment, and a host of other skills! Including, how to water-bath and pressure-can safely and efficiently; preparing fruits; vegetables, herbs, and snacks in a dehydrator; making delicious jerky and sausage; harnessing the natural process of fermentation to create sauerkraut; crock-pickled vegetables; turning surplus milk into soft cheeses and yogurt; and making optimal use of a freezer. Food safety and kitchen safety is emphasized. Kitchen labs give students opportunities to practice learned skills under qualified supervision to gain confidence.
Classes begin March 30, ending June 1, for a total of 10 consecutive Thursdays, at the Jackson County Extension Auditorium. Tuition is $150 + $50 for the manual and 48 volunteer educational service hours.
Applications are available online in January, 2017; all candidates will go through an interview process. This is a volunteer training program and as such selection of our students will reflect that concept.
For more information, contact Caryn Wheeler, MPH at caryn.wheeler@oregonstate.edu or visit http://extension.oregonstate.edu/sorec/food