We are looking forward to spring and warmer weather to commence work on a number of projects that we have lined up. Our replacement Interpretive Panels arrived in January and will be installed throughout the cemetery grounds. The original panels from 2004 were in poor condition and were replaced at a cost of just under $1,200.

Design work by Benchmark Maps on our new, detailed cemetery map for the Cemetery Kiosk has been under way over the winter and should be in place by late April or early May.

Restoration work on the George P. Fitts half block (measuring 10′ by 20′) in the Masonic Section of the cemetery will also resume with the nicer weather. Sadly, Mr. Fitts died on October 13, 1875 after falling from the roof of the Masonic Building while it was under construction. Volunteers have completed demolition work and will work alongside Nolan Briggs of Briggs Construction Company who will be installing a foundation and then rebuilding the brick surround. Metal work, including portions of the original hand-forged chain will be handled by Bryan Pancheau who restored the Cemetery entrance gates and designed and made the railings around our Interpretive Center and pavilion. We sincerely look forward to having this site restored to its original beautiful and detailed design. This project, as well as the Interpretive Panels and map, are all being funded through the generous donations that we have received.

Marker Cleaning Workshops resume on Saturday, April 18, at 9:00am until noon, and the third Saturday of each month—May, then July through September. Our docents have been busy working on their presentations for History Saturday in the Cemetery which start on Saturday, May 9 and run on the second Saturday of the month through September.

Thank you for your continued interest and support for our Pioneer Cemetery. Please visit our website for complete details on these and all our events and activities at friendsjvillecemetery.org.

Featured image: Fitts Block photo by John McGlothlin