On March 22, 1862, the day of his son Emil’s birth, Peter Britt planted this Giant Sequoia by his home in Jacksonville, Oregon.
Love Your Landscape, February 2014 – by Adam Haynes
One of my favorite focal points in any landscape is the trees. Like me, the sheer number of trees is most likely one of your favorite things about living in Jacksonville.
Trees can serve many purposes. For example, the gigantic Sequoia planted by Peter Britt up in the Britt grounds towers above the surrounding trees. It was planted by Mr. Britt to honor the birth of his son, Emil. For me personally, this served as an inspiration ten years ago when my son was born. At that time, my wife and I decided to plant a Blue Spruce tree in his honor—and it’s a tree we cherish every day!
Trees can be more than just a “piece” in a landscape plan. As I’ve said in my columns many times, there’s no quicker way to add depth and interest to a landscape than by planting semi-mature trees, either deciduous or evergreen.
These are timely words and although it’s February, this is a good time to plan your spring planting. If you need some inspiration, I suggest taking a walk through Jacksonville…take a look at different landscapes and see what you like and what excites you. Jot down notes on what is it that draws you to different trees and their placement in the landscape? Take photos, too. Then, take a look at your yard and see what might fit best. It might be a shade tree, a smaller ornamental tree that doesn’t take up too much space, an evergreen or something else!
As mentioned, inspiration for planting a specific tree can be a person. In a recent landscaping project, I planted three maple trees for a family, each representing the three young boys in their family.
Paying a visit to your local nursery can be a great way to learn more about the specifics of certain trees. Well-trained nursery personnel are always happy to help educate you about what size trees to plant and how big they will eventually grow to be. Knowing this ahead of time is an important step in your long-term landscape planning.
Please remember that not all trees have the same needs as far as sun exposure, nutrients, soil types and water amounts. I suggest consulting your nursery staff or a good planting guide to determine what’s needed to give new plantings their best possible growing environment!
Adam Haynes is the owner of Artisan Landscapes, Inc. Contact him at 541-292-3285, adam@artisanlandscapesinc.com, or visit his website at www.artisanlandscapesinc.com.
Posted January 31, 2014