Think Globally. Garden Locally.

 Learn “Insiders’ Secrets” to successful gardening in Southern Oregon.

It’s no surprise that living in this beautiful corner of the state poses plenty of unique challenges for home gardeners.

Our local weather, soil, microclimates and water scarcity are topics that many national and statewide authorities are simply not prepared to address in any helpful or meaningful way.

If you’ve ever seen a show on HGTV with tips for growing vegetables in Ohio, or an online story about controlling mosquitoes in Atlanta, or a feature on landscapes by a syndicated garden writer who lives in New Jersey – you’ll realize that the only truly useful information is truly local information.

Here’s good news: Now you can learn from local experts – people who actually live, work and garden here in Southern Oregon.

In the weeks ahead, the Jackson County Master Gardener Association will be hosting a series of Saturday and evening classes for the public at the OSU Extension Auditorium, 569 Hanley Road (between Jacksonville and Central Point).

Presented by top local professionals, authors, experts and instructors, these sessions provide practical, hands-on demonstrations, followed by individual Q&A opportunities.

You’ll benefit from a wealth of experience with local problems and solutions. These classes are more helpful than online resources – and more useful in your own home situation – because they’re all presented from a unique, Southern Oregon perspective.

No matter how many events you choose to attend, these sessions provide plenty of valuable information to help you succeed in your garden for many seasons to come.

Local problems and solutions – presented by local experts:

 Introduction to Drip Irrigation

Tuesday, April 10, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

 With predictions of a drier-than-average summer season ahead, wise water use seems to be on every gardener’s mind. This class will provide useful information that can help you conserve water (and money) – while helping control weeds. Demonstrations include basic drip components, system layouts, and more. During the driest days of August and September, you’ll be glad you attended this worthwhile class.

Springtime Pests

Wednesday, April 25, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Learn how to deploy a variety of effective defenses when your garden comes under attack. You’ll be better prepared, with methods proven to work for Southern Oregon gardens. Choose the techniques that fit your own personal philosophy of gardening. Flying, crawling, creeping and gnawing pests are headed your way – and this class can help you and your garden survive.

  Summer Care of Grape Vines

Saturday, May 12, 9:00 am ­– noon.

This class will teach you how to manage your backyard vines after pruning. Topics include shoot thinning, controlling head suckering, training for growth and controlling crop load. Dress appropriately for outdoor demonstrations.

Choose and Grow Rock Garden Plants 

Tuesday, May 15, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Learn how to make the most of a rocky growing site … or how to create one. This inspirational class introduces the basics of rock gardening, including suitable plants, soils, containers – and the best rocks to use. Features a photographic tour of several local rock gardens.

Growing Vegetables and Herbs in Containers

Wednesday, May 30, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Find out how to grow fresh, delicious treats – even when your time and space are limited. This helpful class teaches about containers and soils – and explains which herbs and vegetables grow well together. Ideal for renters, or anyone who’d like to make their vegetable garden more carefree and accessible.

Don’t Be Afraid of Perennials

Thursday, June 14, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Tailored to Southern Oregon’s weather and growing seasons, this class takes you beyond the ordinary perennial choices and teaches how – with a little planning – you can enjoy great-looking, long-lasting blooms in your garden every month of the year.

Introduction to Permaculture: The Self-Sustaining Garden

Thursday, June 28, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Join the movement of concerned home gardeners who successfully reduce their “carbon footprint” through permaculture. You’ll learn principles and techniques that can increase your garden’s vitality, while managing weeds and pests in an environmentally sustainable way.

Mark your calendar. Admission to these classes is $5.00; free to Master Gardeners. For information and registration, call 541-776-7371. Or visit