Soul Matters – March 2019

There’s a popular book out by Gabrielle Bernstein titled, The Universe Has Your Back; I gotta say, it doesn’t always feel that way. There are times when things are definitely not going my way and the Universe just doesn’t seem to give a rip. But then, just when I’m about to blow it a raspberry, the Universe sends a message to let me know that it’s there and that it actually does care. It sends me an oracle.

Oracles have existed throughout time and across cultures. They are one of the ways that the Universe communicates with us. An oracle is a divine message or messenger; think of them as little love notes, secretly passed to you from the Universe. Oracles can show up many ways: a line from a book, a hummingbird that locks eyes with you, a snippet of a song or a bit of overheard conversation that grabs you. Whatever form it takes, an oracle speaks directly to a current issue in your life. You know when you get one because it feels purposeful, meaningful, intentional, and above all, numinous.

Last Tuesday I received an oracle. It was a day where I was pretty sure that the Universe did not have my back. In addition to feeling crummy, I was perturbed by the fact that Spring Break is fast approaching and, once again, the longed for vacation to Maui isn’t going to happen. Even though I knew better, I spent fruitless hours searching for a miracle deal online before quitting in sullen defeat. My frustration, irritation, shame and guilt followed me out to the car as I prepared to run errands.

And that’s when it happened. I hit the radio knob and a song I like was playing. It’s one of those songs that has a line that I make up words for because I can’t decipher the actual lyrics (you know what I’m talking about); but suddenly, mysteriously, the line came though loud and clear:

“It’s the weight that you carry from the things you think you want.”

An oracle had spoken and its message went straight to the heart of my unhappiness. I was indeed weighed down, and the Universe was suggesting that I was the one adding the unnecessary weight. But the next line really sealed the deal:

“I have everything I need, and nothing that I don’t.”

Now, I wanted to argue with that one. I wanted to say, “No, I don’t have everything I need. I need to feel fabulous and have more money and go to Maui!” But the truth is that I do have everything I need. I have my family. I have love, albeit in cold, gray Oregon.

We can get wrapped up pretty tight in our problems, our vision and faith constricted by frustration, sadness and discouragement. Oracles open us up. They tell us what we need to know, guide us, and above all, remind us that we’re not alone. The Universe really does have our back.

KATE INGRAM is a life transitions coach, counselor and award-winning author who loves oracles and still hopes for that vacation to Maui. Find out more at