Having lived in Jacksonville for 26 years as a resident and business owner, and having served on the Budget Committee for several years, I feel qualified in addressing the proposed meals tax. Like many, I enjoy having 24/7 police and fire protection and feel that to expect anything else would be ludicrous. Unfortunately, when it comes to funding, we have one of the lowest tax bases of any municipality state-wide. It falls on all of us residents to provide for our emergency services and, yes, for those who visit us.

I want you to understand the symbiotic relationship between, restaurant, retail and lodging businesses in our town. All local businesses rely on the success of each other in order to enjoy a stable economy. Profit margins are tight. The explosion of internet platforms for retail and lodging further squeezes many businesses. Increased costs from suppliers, personnel, taxes and other required services, take their toll. The average consumer only sees the initial cost of their purchase, not the net proceeds.

Adding yet another layer in the form of a meals tax to the mix only further stresses the situation. In all fairness, if any tax were to be implemented, it should be a city-wide sales tax affecting ALL businesses here. The lifestyle we enjoy would slowly fade away, along with most businesses. This may sound extremist, but things like this have a way of taking on a life of their own once the proverbial foot is in the door.

When Ashland first implemented their meals tax, it almost put some of their privately-owned restaurants out of business. They tried, in vain, to get rid of this tax for two years. Not only were they unsuccessful but the tax was raised from 3% to 5% in that short time. When restaurants suffered, the rest of the town’s businesses suffered with them. This is the unintended reality of REAL trickle-down economics.

None of us wants to pay more for anything—that’s human nature. But a meals tax isn’t the answer. And for those unable to pay the police surcharge, there’s a relief program in-place to assist our neighbors. Now THAT ‘s fair!

Linda Graham, Scheffel’s Toys