Love Your Landscape – by Adam Haynes

As the days get longer, my family is spending more and more time at the baseball field, meaning summer is definitely here! And, here in Jacksonville, the awesome natural surroundings gets me thinking about capturing some of that magic in our outdoor living areas and home landscapes.

While Jacksonville is a summertime destination for many visitors, a lot of us will be taking family vacations out of the area. My word of encouragement to those who are traveling to different parts of the country or world is to pay attention to the natural landscapes around you and let that beauty be your guide. Absorb natural scenes and let it serve as your inspiration to create a unique landscape at your own property back home.

I like to think that inspiration is all around us, so if you come across a natural scene this summer that speaks to your aesthetic sensibility, snap a photo to record it. Keep track of the style and themes that suit you and the outdoor areas you find yourself drawn toward. Take notice of creative uses of stone, light fixtures, decorations, fences, statues, canopies, pergolas, sitting walls, planters, herb gardens, flower gardens, water gardens, and any other outdoor elements that appeal to your personal style.

Based on the climate and lifestyle of different cities, you may find yourself visiting this summer, you might encounter different varieties of plants than those found at home—don’t be afraid to bring these ideas back from your travels to help you transform your outdoor living area into an at-home oasis.

succulentsWith hot temps here for the next few months, this is a good time to consider a group of plants many overlook in their landscaping plan—succulents. Succulents are described as plants that have adapted to arid or low moisture environments by storing moisture in their leaves, stems, and roots. The beauty of these plants is that they require less regular maintenance than other varieties of house or garden plants.

Most of us also recognize cacti as the most common succulents. What some may not know is that while all cacti are succulents, not all succulents are cacti. While cacti have spines, they also often display large, colorful, beautiful flowers. Other varieties of succulents include “air plants” which are characterized by having little or no direct contact with soil. The texture and color profile that succulents contribute to a landscape can be quite striking.

Before I go, I’d like to add a few final words about summer care and maintenance of our landscapes. When the weather grows hotter and drier and the days longer, we have to pay a little closer attention to the plants on our property. For full growth of lawns, shrubs and perennials, it’s important to prune and irrigate as needed. Pay attention to flowering shrubs and perennials, which may need pruning of old growth to encourage new blooms throughout the summer. In addition, if a full, green lawn is suitable to your property, I strongly recommend installing an irrigation system to ensure uniform and consistent growth through our warmest months. As always, don’t hesitate to call or email me with any questions or concerns regarding your outdoor area, and Happy Summer to all!

AdamHaynescolorAdam Haynes is the owner of Artisan Landscapes, Inc. Contact him at 541-292-3285,, or visit his website at

Posted July 9, 2013