It’s that time of year when the purple lavender buds are jockeying for equality with the deep, lush green of the lavender plants below. It’s a short-lived battle between the two and the magnificent riot of purple always wins as we head into July.

As we all venture out cautiously this summer, lavender farms are a great escape option. With their open spaces and sunshine, they are the perfect antidote for social isolation. Keeping your distance from people is easy; from bees and butterflies, not so much! Walking through lavender, with its heady aroma and vibrant color, might just be the perfect way to spend a day.

The Southern Oregon Lavender Trail doesn’t have its usual festivals this year, but the farms are all still here and three venues will be happy to welcome you. Here, at the English Lavender Farm in Applegate, we have lavender ice cream and lemonade and a field just waiting to be picked. U-Pick is always a fun activity and a favorite with our visitors. Here and at Lavender Fields Forever we are expecting enthusiastic visitors, cameras in hand, to enjoy the sight and smell of the lavender and, of course, to take some home. Goodwin Creek also offers lavender to take home, but in their case, it’s as a live plant! If you want to become a lavender grower and cultivate this beautiful herb, they will be happy to tell you how and supply a growing number of varieties.

The Southern Oregon Lavender Trail can be found on Facebook with more details. Before you head out to the Applegate Valley, it might be a good idea to check farm websites for hours and requirements… in case things change. At the English Lavender Farm, we ask visitors to make a car booking online.

The English Lavender Farm

Goodwin Creek Gardens

Lavender Fields Forever

For more information, contact Sue Owen, The English Lavender Farm, 8040 Thompson Creek Road, Applegate OR 97530 (Open 10am-4pm until July 27 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.)