Last night’s Open House held by the Jacksonville Fire Department was an educational hit!
Tons of children and their parents checked out the fire trucks, a cool display about home safety, and learned real-life lessons and tactics in the Jackson County Fire Safety House. Fire Chief Devin Hull cooked hot dogs and everyone enjoyed those with chips, soda, pie and cookies.
The Fire Safety House is very cool! Kids go in, watch a short video, then get to check out the “house” for unsafe items, such as a stove top with a dishtowel on the burner, matches lying around, pots with handles in the wrong direction, etc. Then, they get to go in the “bedroom” and lie down while “smoke” fills the ceiling. They are taught to check the door for warmth (which this door does get), then are given real hands-on instruction about using another door, or climbing safely out of the window.