The Jacksonville Boosters Club was founded in 1963 by Robbie Collins in response to a proposed highway project that would have threatened the historical viability of the city. Obtaining federal Historic District status, the Jacksonville Boosters began what is now over 55 years of community service to Jacksonville.

In 2003, the Boosters formed a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Foundation to be the vehicle through which the Jacksonville Boosters Club funds Booster Projects in Jacksonville, in addition to providing grants in support of public and nonprofit facilities in Jacksonville. Since 2012, the Foundation has distributed over $200,000 in grants and funding for numerous Jacksonville based projects.

In support of the mission to preserve the historic character and enhance the civic life of Jacksonville, members volunteer many hours each year supporting various projects in the community. Among the ongoing projects is the restoration and maintenance of the Peter Britt Gardens, and the Jacksonville Arboretum. The downtown benches enjoyed by visitors and residents alike are replaced and refinished on a regular basis. On memorial holidays you will see Boosters placing the American flags as we celebrate our American heritage.

Today our membership of over 200 is composed of both individual and business members. Our funding is based on membership dues, fundraising (Home Tour), and charitable giving.

If you are someone who cherishes Jacksonville, and want to participate in the ongoing efforts to keep Jacksonville a special place to live, please join the Jacksonville Boosters. We meet the second Monday of each month on the Bigham Knoll campus from 9:30-11:00am.

For more information, please contact us at or visit or Facebook/Jacksonville Boosters.