Lawn photoWith Spring upon us, this is the time to prepare for the beautiful growing season ahead. In this issue, I’m discussing some helpful suggestions that I hope will make your landscape more beautiful and rewarding this year.
How do you get a lush green lawn and keep it that way? In our area most lawns are perennial rye – as the days get longer and the soil heats up, our grass will begin to green-up and grow again. It’s good to go through your lawn with a heavy duty leaf rake and remove any built-up thatch and remove lawn debris.
Spring is also the time to add lime to your lawn. A good rule of thumb is 8-10 lb. per 1,000 sq. feet. PH is an important aspect of turf care and your lawn will look better with a PH boost that a lime application provides.
Aerating your lawn in Spring has many benefits and opens up hard, compacted soil, giving it a chance to soak-in needed nutrients and water that otherwise don’t make it into the roots. Aeration also helps the over-seeding process.
As the grass begins to grow, it’s time to add a nutrient rich fertilizer. Most turf fertilizers come in a granular form and the directions are clear about the application rate and process. There are also organic fertilizers now available. Fertilizers are very beneficial but consistency is important throughout the whole growing season. The healthier the grass, the more disease-resistant it will be.
Spring weeds are a challenge and adding a pre-emergent to your planting beds can help you get a step ahead of the weeds. Like fertilizer, pre-emergent usually come in a granular form – follow the rate application on the container.
If you have an automated irrigation system, start by putting in a fresh back up battery in your control box. Turn on each zone and make sure each is working normally. Adjust sprinkler heads, check for water over-spray and any water waste in the system. Usually in the drip zones, emitter heads and connections come loose over time so take the time to work your way through the system.
The trees and shrubs in your landscape appreciate a little care. Make sure that all dirt and mulch are removed from around the trunks and bases of trees and shrubs. Remove broken or damaged limbs and branches. Add some fertilizer to trees and shrubs – a good choice is a 10-10-10 blend.
Your lawn equipment needs a fresh tank of gas and it’s a good idea to change the fuel filter, too. Make sure the blades are sharp and ready for use. Clean any debris from the equipment.
Refreshing the mulch in your planting beds has many benefits and just looks better! Also, adding mulch helps with weed control and water conservation.
Take a look at any of your outdoor wood structures. Power wash them first and then refresh your fences, arbors and pergolas with a new coat of wood stain.
Oh, and don’t forget that Spring is also a great time to plant trees, shrubs and perennials.
I’m looking forward to a great Spring and another year of living in our beautiful town of Jacksonville!!!
Adam Haynes is the owner of Artisan Landscapes Inc. He can be reached at 541.292.3285 or See also