A Few Minutes with the Mayor – February 2025
IT’S BEEN QUITE A RIDE since I was first sworn in as Mayor of Jacksonville in 2021. I came into office as COVID-19 had ramped up in the United States. Presidential elections had been volatile, with periods of unrest and fear nationwide. That whole period was unsettling for most people. America survived, and we as a nation, and a city, stood behind her. Jacksonville and its citizens have prevailed in continuing to make our town a wonderful place to live and thrive. We came out of that time healthier than ever and with a great outlook on our future.
I am grateful to have been re-elected and to serve as your mayor for another four years. We are beyond lucky in the varied talents of our current elected city councilors. On January 8th, we welcomed back Councilors Andy Hellenthal, Ken Gregg, and Talon Reed. Councilors Steve Casaleggio and Andrea Thompson were re-elected. We also welcomed newly-elected Councilor John Jorgenson. We bid farewell to outgoing Councilor Mike McClain, who brought so much to the city during his time on Council. At the January 8, 2025, City Council meeting, the councilors and I, (who were elected and re-elected in November) were sworn into our positions. Speaking on behalf of all who ran for election, we truly appreciate your vote. Thank you to everyone who took the time to cast a ballot.
Mayors and councilors must fulfill many obligations and follow many rules. These flow downward from the Federal, State, County, and City levels. Understanding the rules that impact a city is fundamental to becoming an effective, successful mayor or councilor. It’s somewhat of a discovery process, but very rewarding. There is a learning curve that encompasses procedures, policies, regulations, and laws. We are also called upon to represent our city in various situations, including support programs, schools, clubs, contests, and business openings. We frequently attend education and governing classes. We must also participate in regular city council meetings and work sessions. The mayor and councilors must also act as Liaisons to various committees and commissions. We must be familiar with the Jacksonville City Code and must enforce it. It sounds daunting; however, it is very gratifying. Some of the same procedures follow for your neighbors who serve on committees and commissions for the city. If you are interested in making a difference in the city, and learning new subjects, please look for notices of vacancies in our committees and commissions. We post at City Hall and in the city news kiosks at the Post Office and Old City Hall. We also post on the city website, www.jacksonvilleor.us and in the Jacksonville Review.
In January, City Administrator Jeff Alvis and I had the opportunity to discuss what’s happening in Jacksonville, at the Jacksonville-Applegate Rotary meeting. We will have a similar opportunity when we present our annual “State of the City Address” to the Jacksonville Boosters Club at their February 10, 2025, meeting. Booster meetings are held in the second-floor Assembly Room at City Hall at 9:30am on the second Monday of each month.
Also at our January City Council meeting, a long-awaited celebration was observed as Chief Towe swore-in recently-hired Police Officers Kaden Johnson, Cody Fuhrman, and Kai Garber, to the Jacksonville Police Department. Officer Nick Nelson was sworn in last fall. Along with Chief Towe and Sergeant Matt Hannum, this occasion marks the arrival of our Police Department’s full staffing. Tracy Peters continues to staff the front desk. I’m sure you have noticed an increase in police presence in Jacksonville and they are a welcome addition. Congratulations to our new Police Officers. Officer Kaden Johnson received a Lifesaving Award for his actions during an emergency call. To read more about his heroic efforts, click here for February 2025 City Snapshot.
2025 promises to be an active, full year for your council, mayor, commissions, and committees, along with our city staff. We are up to the challenge and look forward to completing current projects and starting new endeavors. Thank you for your faith in us. Please bring any ideas, questions, and concerns directly to us, at City Hall.
Featured Image: January 2025 – Swearing-in of City Councilors, Andrea Thompson, Steve Casaleggio and John Jorgenson.