Photo by Sandy Metwally

In addition, the Jacksonville Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is planning a new fundraiser this year.  It will be a family style dinner with a basket raffle, called a Tricky Tray A Tricky Tray is a raffle of baskets, NOT an auction, but a raffle! It is a fun affordable way to participate according to individual budgets.  We are striving to get participation from our student body and our local community.  Our sixth grade students will earn community service hours and Sparrow hours working as food servers and event ushers.

Jacksonville Elementary is home to 400+ students grades kindergarten to grade six.  These students are the children of our community.  As funding for our public education system decreases with every budget year, we have seen cut programs, a reduction in teachers, and even education hours.  The PTO of Jacksonville Elementary strives to raise monies to offset some of these shortfalls.  In addition, the PTO supports our school wide art program & show, educational field trips (offsite visits as well as paying for OMSI and the Oregon Aquarium to come to our school), the Writer’s Workshop and Festival, and many more events for the benefit of our children.

This year, we have been told that our playground equipment is wearing out and must be replaced.  The cost is estimated to be upwards of $100,000.  The money we raise at the Tricky Tray Dinner/Raffle will be applied directly to this cause.

A donation to our event not only supports the educational experience of our youth, but will give your business positive exposure to a diverse and appreciative market.  We strongly encourage our families to support those who help support us.  Your donation is tax deductible and we can provide you with a donation receipt.   Your donation does not necessarily need to fit in a basket.  It can be a gift certificate for your restaurant or for a service your company provides (spa, photography, electrical), etc…  It’s a great way for you to reach new clients! Please contact Jaci Jones at 619-818-0596 with any donation you can make to our newest Jacksonville event.

Our event will be held on Friday, March 2, 5 to 8pm, 2012 in the Jacksonville Elementary Gym.  We invite you to bring your families and help support our school.  For ticket information please call Cheryl Rose at 541-702-2044.

Thank you for considering a contribution to the Jacksonville Elementary Tricky Tray fundraiser.