Food & Friends is the Senior Meals Program serving Jackson and Josephine Counties. The Food & Friends Program was started in 2000, however, Meals on Wheels has been around since 1943. Our mission, “So no senior goes hungry” is one we are passionate about. Not only do we provide a hot nutritious lunch five days a week, the visit from our volunteers provides an essential safety check to our most vulnerable citizens. Food & Friends benefits the community by boosting our clients’ health, decreases their feelings of isolation and helps our seniors remain in their own homes.

We are always looking for volunteers to deliver or serve a hot meal and a friendly smile to our homebound seniors or those joining us for lunch at our meal sites. To deliver meals, we require volunteers to pass a criminal background check and have a current driver’s license and auto insurance. If volunteering in the kitchen at one of our meal sites, a Food Handlers Card is required.

Today, only 38% of our funding comes from the Older Americans Act, which in 1965, almost totally funded Senior Meals Programs. The rest is fundraised from various sources. To date, we have never had to implement a waiting list and, going forward, that continues as our goal. We rely heavily on the generosity of the communities we serve and all monies raised goes directly to provide meals. For more information on how to volunteer or donate please call 541-734-9505. We’d love your help!