Love Your Landscape – May 2019

A new, warmer season has arrived, and with it comes a chance to return to the joy of outdoor living. Many would say that this time of year is the best season, and I’d have a hard time disagreeing. It’s such an exciting time to bring new life to outdoor areas in Southern Oregon.

Most of us would agree that a good spring cleaning is beneficial to the mind, soul and body. Well, the same can be true for your landscape areas, and can take on a number of different meanings for outdoor areas.

The first, most obvious way is clearing out unwanted plant material, which is really important. But there are several other steps that you can take to “clean up” a landscape, including updating your landscape design, and adding or updating an irrigation system. Doing so can improve the strength of the seasonal growth in all outdoor areas.

Some of the most beautiful blooms we see this time of year come from blooming bulbs, and they need to be planted in the fall. This time of year, take a look at your landscape and note the colors you would like to add and plant those bulbs this coming fall.

Amid the host of changes that occur this time of year, it’s impossible to ignore all the colors we associate with the season. New color has appeared everywhere, and bursts of color can be incorporated into an outdoor area with small but impactful changes. For outdoor furniture that’s starting to fade, an update can be achieved by adding a few new throw pillows, or simply replacing the outdoor cushions. Annuals with spectacular color can be added to planters, pots and small gardening beds for a minimal cost with a maximum return in color impact.

I invite you to enjoy this beautiful season in Southern Oregon by giving a little attention to small details that will help you love your landscape more than ever this year.