Jacksonville author EA Luetkemeyer is pleased to announce the release of his second novel, Penitentiary Tales: a Love Story. Called “an insightful and at times darkly disturbing glimpse into an institution rarely entered by most readers” (Dr. John M. Coggeshall, Clemson University), Penitentiary Tales: a Love Story recounts the escapades of Dean Davis, a thirty-something, educated, straight white male from the affluent community of Sausalito, in Marin County, California, who is sent to an Illinois prison dominated by a daunting, ethnically diverse population of inmates from the mean streets of Chicago. How does he do his time? What challenges does he meet? How does the experience affect his social and political consciousness?

Addressing issues of race and gender, it is at once a serious inquiry into the minds and hearts of the marginalized and the oppressed, and a bit of a romp. It will appeal to intelligent readers of all persuasions who appreciate a literary walk on the wild side. It is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online vendors, and at Rebel Heart Books in Jacksonville. A reading and signing event will be held on April 10th, at 5:00pm, at Art Presence, 206 N 5th St., Jacksonville.

Luetkemeyer’s short fiction has appeared in Sou’wester, Opium Magazine, Commonthought, Del Sol Review, Perversion Magazine, The Ilanot Review, and the anthology Stories That Must Be Told. He is the author of the novel Inside the Mind of Martin Mueller and the memoir The Book of Chuck: A Memorial Compilation of Poetry and Prose. He lives and writes between the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern Oregon and favors the trite but true adage that bad roads lead to good stories. For excerpts and reviews of his work, visit http://www.ealuetkemeyer.com.