Name: Donna Bowen
Running For: Mayor – Incumbent
How long resided in Jacksonville: 18 years

As incumbent Mayor for the City of Jacksonville, I had to think seriously this last year, about whether I was going to run for the office of Mayor again. I wanted to be sure I had it in me to devote the time, and energy, necessary to do the job well. After long consideration, I realized two fundamental things: I do have the time and energy, and I love the job of being your Mayor. I love identifying problems and solving them. I love our town and the people in it. Along with many of you, I love the idea that this will be the last town I live in. I’m simply not finished with the tasks to be done. I have had the privilege of working with an outstanding city council for the last four years, and we began a series of projects that I am very proud of. My wish is to continue these projects, and more, to completion—leaving the city on solid ground in the future.

My past and present duties for the city include serving on the following Committees, Commissions, and elected offices:

  • Historical and Architectural Committee for seven years, three years as Chair.
  • Budget Committee for seven years.
  • Personnel and Hiring Committees.
  • Jacksonville City Councilor.
  • Liaison Cemetery Commission.
  • Liaison CIC.
  • Liaison RVACT.
  • Liaison RVMPO.
  • Incumbent Mayor, City of Jacksonville.

I believe that, in many cases, the mayor is only as good as the city council, and staff, they work with. With the expertise, knowledge, and abilities of both our current City Council and staff, Jacksonville has weathered the last four years very well. The COVID epidemic is a good example of one of the problems we overcame, while managing to keep the city functioning and thriving. Some of our other accomplishments include:

  • Development of a Citizen’s Emergency Guide, and Emergency Evacuation Checklist and Map; to ensure our citizen’s safety, in the event of wildfire or disaster.
  • Completion of a new Fire Hall and Emergency Operations Center, replacing an obsolete building on the site.
  • Purchase of a new Fire Engine, with Urban Renewal Funds, to be delivered upon completion of build-out.
  • Rebuilt our Police Department Staff, after losing officers to retirement and natural attrition.
  • Joined with citizens bringing new speed regulations; increased enforcement of traffic violations; purchased additional mobile speed signs and speed bumps; and added new signage throughout the city. More work will be completed this fall and next year.
  • Approved development plans of bringing a museum back to Jacksonville, utilizing our historic “Old City Hall” building. Council volunteers and citizen volunteers are working diligently to develop a self-funded museum. Building plans are near completion and funding is on track.
  • Formed a Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) and a Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI). These committees research city projects, and developments, and make recommendations back to your City Council.
  • Nearing completion of re-writing our Jacksonville Municipal Code, Chapters 1-18. This is made possible with the help of Council members, the CAC, and the CCI.
  • Presented yearly balanced budgets and adhered to these budgets, after revamping the budget process.

Thank you, Council members, our entire staff, and citizen volunteers, for the dedication you show every single day in making Jacksonville a better place to live! As a Mayor, I couldn’t ask for a better group to help facilitate all that we do.

The next four years will be very interesting as we tackle some of the ongoing issues we face, including Urban Growth; continued Wildfires statewide; Budget constraints; a possible Pedestrian Plaza; replacing a 150-year-old water reservoir; the future of fire departments statewide; and the ongoing search for a site, for our Pickleball players.

Jacksonville is unique, as a historical city. Please join me to continue the work we have started, and please volunteer, to help plan for the future. I respectfully ask for your vote, for Mayor, honoring our roots in the past, and looking ahead to a healthy future.