Join Dogs for the Deaf in Jacksonville on May 30, for a fun-filled family event for two-and four-legged family members at the 24th Annual Dog Walk.

The Dog Walk is Saturday, May 30, 2015, from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Activities will take place at Jacksonville Elementary School (655 Hueners Lane) and include a dog trick contest, a poker walk, raffles, education booths, agility demonstrations and coaching by Rogue Canine Agility, prizes, vendors and other activities. People of all ages, and all well-behaved dogs, will find something fun to do during Dog Walk.

This years’ Dog Walk theme is Rockin’ Rover. One of the highlights of each Dog Walk is the theme-based costume contest, so expect to see several pooches sporting pompadours or poodle skirts.

Registration is $30 for individuals, or $25 per person in a “Pack” of four or more. Dog Walk registration includes a t-shirt, doggie bandana, lunch, beverages, one raffle ticket, one poker playing card, a goodie bag, and all contest activities. To register for Dog Walk 2015, visit Registration is $40 the day of the event.

Whether or not people are able to participate in the walk, they can help raise funds for this event. There will be prizes awarded to the individual and team who raises the most funds. Fundraisers can go to to print a form, or to start their own online page to raise funds.

The Dogs for the Deaf Dog Walk has become a staple in the Rogue Valley to raise awareness and money for the Central Point-based non-profit. Founded in 1977, Dogs for the Deaf rescues dogs and trains them to be assistance dogs for people across the United States with a variety of disabilities.

Dogs for the Deaf trainers go to shelters in Oregon and surrounding states to look for dogs that meet the requirements to be an Assistance Dog. Dogs that pass an initial evaluation are brought back to the Central Point facility for professional training. Any dog unable to complete its training is placed in a loving, forever home. No dogs are returned to the shelter.

Hearing Dogs are trained to alert their partners to a variety of household sounds including the smoke alarm, doorbell/knock, telephone, alarm clock, oven buzzer, and someone calling the person’s name. Hearing Dogs increase independence and security, enhance employability and parenting skills, and save lives.

Professional Assistance Dogs are placed with professionals (teachers, physicians, counselors, therapists, courtroom advocates, etc.) who work with people with disabilities or emotional trauma. The dog accompanies the professional to work and is trained to interact in various ways with patients, clients or students to provide the necessary motivation or calming to enhance treatment, learning and development.

Tours at the Dogs for the Deaf training facility in Sam’s Valley are available weekdays. Call 541-826-9220 or go to for more information. See ad this page.