After a summer of smoke, a news cycle of non-stop catastrophe, and a season of harvest, we could all use a day of good books, brilliant authors, and happy endings. That’s why Rebel Heart Books is proud to present its first-ever Cozy & Romantic Christmas Celebration!

Romance, mystery, and Christmas go together like turkey, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes. And whether it’s because of the chill in the air, the shorter days, or the joy in the atmosphere, something about the holiday season just begs you to curl up with a good book, snuggle up next to a reading buddy, and lose yourself in imaginary worlds where the bad guy gets caught and love always works out in the end.

To that end, Rebel Heart Books has invited the romance and mystery authors of our community to join us for an entire day of celebration! That’s right, the Rebel Heart Books Cozy & Romantic Christmas Celebration is your chance to hobnob with multiple authors who have mastered not only killer plots and gorgeous prose, but also the happy ending.

Our bookish festivities kick off on small-business Saturday, November 24th, at 11:00am with cozy murder mystery authors led by Kate Dyer-Seely (aka Ellie Alexander). These lovely women will be in house serving intrigue, snacks, holiday gift recommendations, and devilish fun from 11:00am-2:00pm. The morning promises to be joyfully macabre—and if nothing else, these murderous mavens can certainly give you some ideas on where to hide the body.

Things take a romantic turn following our morning of mystery and intrigue around 2:00pm, when we transition to celebrating bestselling romance authors, Megan Crane, aka Caitlin Crews, and Maisey Yates, as well as author Kasey Lane. Refreshments, elegance, lively conversation, friendship, and a dollop of holiday cheer promise to delight all who attend. These vixens of heart and heat will be providing vivifying recitations from their stimulating fiction, titillating gossip of the down-home variety, clove-orange pomanders, and more!

Amber Bishop of Boutique Body Arts will be in house, providing lovely henna designs (walk-in and by appointment at 541-801-8301). Anchor Valley winery will be on deck, pouring their award-winning wines, and musician Haven Yates will provide musical entertainment throughout the afternoon. This event is free and refreshments are complementary.

Mark your calendars and prepare to bask in the warm holiday glow with us. Lift your spirits, maybe your glass, and be cheered. If there’s one thing we all need this year, it’s a reminder that everything’s going to be alright. Rebel Heart Books and authors who specialize in just that reminder are ready, eager, and willing to spread the word with food and fun, Saturday November 24, from 11:00am to 5:00pm.