IT IS MOSTLY common knowledge that I am not running again for the Jacksonville City Council. It has been a distinct pleasure to serve as a councilor these past 5 ½ years, but, as I turn 80 in two weeks and as Kandee and I desire to spend more time at our vacation home in Florence, Oregon, it’s time to move on.

I have been asked by several Jacksonville citizens for recommendations for the mayor and three councilor positions that are on the ballot, so this is my take on the candidates for our fair city. First, Mayor Bowen has been a joy to work with. She is a tireless worker, organized, fair, friendly and firm in her convictions. Our meetings are well run and efficient, something I greatly appreciate. I am pleased that she has agreed to run again for the mayor’s position.

Steve Casaleggio and Andrea Thompson are running again for the Council and, from my perspective, this is great news. As a retired attorney, Steve has taken on the onerous task of rewriting and reorganizing our municipal code, working through them Title by Title for the past four years. While his fellow councilors laud and appreciate his code work, we can only imagine how many hours he has poured into this effort and the savings to Jacksonville for his pro-bono legal work.

There is no one on the Jacksonville City Council, including myself, who is as well prepared for our meetings as Andrea Thompson. Utilizing her professional background as a college professor, she is a thorough researcher and thought-provoking analyst of city issues and programs. I hold Councilors Casaleggio and Thompson in the highest regard and consider it an honor to have served with them.

John Jorgenson is the new kid on the block, but he is not new to the workings of Jacksonville. Besides being a friend and a neighbor, John has cut his teeth on Jacksonville city government by serving and taking an active role on the Jacksonville Citizen Advisory Committee. In addition, he is an active member of the Jacksonville Boosters Club, having served on the Boosters Foundation board and is now a member of the regular Boosters board. With his background, he will be able to hit the road running.

Hopefully, these recommendations will be of some help as you fill out your ballot for the November 5 election. Again, I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as a Jacksonville city councilor and appreciate your confidence and support. ~Mike McClain