City Council 6/7/22—During Public Comment, accessibility advocate, Kim Evans voiced her opinion that the city did not seem motivated to make changes to its current policy regarding access to buildings for the disabled and that answers are needed. In recent years, there have been calls for the city to mandate installation of ADA-approved ramps to buildings in the historic core.

Administrator Jeff Alvis reported that the remodeled Fire Hall is nearing completion and may be open at the end of July. However, he noted, the date is contingent upon the delivery and installation of custom-sized, rolling engine bay doors that may be delayed due to supply chain woes.

Council heard an appeal by neighbors of the Gold Hill Terrace subdivision regarding new home building plans at 584 S. Loop Road, the last home in the development to be built. Representatives from more than half of the homes were in attendance for the lengthy hearing. The neighbors were appealing the house planned, making a case that it did not fit the character of the neighborhood and needed to be scaled-back so as not to interfere with other homes, viewsheds and neighborhood “norms.” Council heard the appeal from concerned residents, all of whom asked that the prior approval of plans by Jacksonville’s HARC (Historic Architectural Review Commission) be overturned. After debate, council voted 4-2 on a motion to uphold HARC’s decision, with councilors Andrea Thompson and Ken Gregg voting no on the matter. All councilors expressed frustration that a more agreeable solution could not have been reached earlier by the lot owner that would satisfy the wishes of the neighbors. Councilors admitted to being agitated by being forced to abide by the existing building code, which ultimately permits the lot owner to proceed with what was described as an unwelcome addition to the neighborhood. It is unknown at this writing if neighbors will appeal the council decision to the state Land Use Board of Appeals, which could overturn the Jacksonville City Council decision.

Council unanimously approved the 2022-2023 fiscal year budget. A copy of the full budget may be found on the city website.

City Council Study Session: Chamber of Commerce Funding—At its 6/21/22 meeting, Council met to discuss redistribution of Transient Lodging Tax funds, 50% of which are allocated to fund the operations of the Jacksonville Chamber. Council, staff and Chamber Director, Amanda Moreira, discussed the current marketing plans and funding needs of the organization, much of which had been curtailed during the pandemic. Working from a proposed change in funding by staff, Moreira and Chamber board members reached an agreement to extend the current contract to operate the Visitors Information Center and to continue marketing efforts for an additional 60 days. During this time, the Chamber will be working with staff and council to determine future funding needs. Staff had argued that due to an increase in lodging funds, the percentage used by the Chamber for the VIC and marketing could be re-allocated to other needs.