City Council Meeting, July 5

Slow it Down in Town!—During Public Comment, homeowners on East California Street were on-hand to tell Council that traffic volume and speed has increased significantly in their area. Accounts of wildlife being killed and injured by speeders was discussed. Residents noted that although the “Your Speed Is” signs have been effective, the signs are inoperable much of the time and that officer patrols are warranted. It was suggested that newer, solar-powered signs that don’t rely upon batteries should be used. Council is expected to discuss the issue at a future meeting.

Fire Surcharge Increased $7—Council unanimously approved an increase in the fire safety surcharge as recommended by the Budget Committee. Ordinance #2002-02 which authorizes the increase, goes into effect in August—residents will see a corresponding surcharge increase on their water bill. It should be noted that the Fire Safety Surcharge is the ONLY method for funding Jacksonville’s full-time fire department…there are no city, county or state tax dollars used to operate the department. As per information provided by staff the surcharge will increase according to the following:

The Budget Committee approved increasing the Fire Protection Surcharge by $7 per month, which is a total $42 per month, for the FY 2022-2023 Budget, with an additional of increase of $1 to the monthly surcharge for the next three fiscal years.

  • FY 2022-2023 an increase of $7 per month for a total of $42.00 per month
  • FY 2023-2024 an increase of $1 per month for a total of $43.00 per month
  • FY 2024-2025 an increase of $1 per month for a total of $44.00 per month
  • FY 2025-2026 an increase of $1 per month for a total of $45.00 per month

The FY 2022-2023 Budget was adopted by Council on June 7, 2022 per recommendation of the Budget Committee. Ordinance No. O2022-002 came before Council for the first reading on July 5 and for a second reading and adoption at the July 19, 2022. The increase to the Fire Protection Surcharge will be effective 30 days from the adoption of the Ordinance.

Please see August 2022 articles from Mayor Donna Bowen and from Councilor Andrea Thompson that relate to fire safety issues.