Jacksonville Review – September 2024

WE HAD A VERY SUCCESSFUL TOWN HALL meeting in July, and things are changing for the BETTER here in Jacksonville with regard to overall safety and enforcement issues.

You may have noticed white striping on feeder streets into downtown, as well as new, yellow center striping on our streets! Also “SLOW” signs are now on several streets to remind drivers to obey our 25 mph laws and 20 mph in the downtown area.

Additional signage has been added to yellow-marked areas near Britt, stating that parking fines are now $75. We are seeing active Police vehicles on our streets, and tickets are being written! This presence should certainly be a cause for celebration, and this will continue to increase as police staffing grows.

Also, our committee member, Terry Donovan, has volunteered to manage the speed signs that need frequent battery charging to maintain their functionality. He is out and about coordinating this job with City Administrator Jeff Alvis, freeing up officers and other staff to do more important work.

ODOT is progressing on their work to vastly improve the crosswalk/ intersection at Shafer Lane, one of our most important projects, and hopefully we may see some action before the end of the year.

Speed humps will go in a few weeks in four locations. We have accomplished a great deal in the last 17 months, and we will continue our efforts, with OUR community in mind! We encourage you to attend City Council meetings, voice your concerns and support our efforts by joining our email list to get periodic updates from Citizens for a Safer Jacksonville. We hope you will join us in this important endeavor!

To join our mailing list, please contact Cindy Rasmussen, at oregongal@me.com.