Joyfull Living – April 2015
At times, we all feel the need to fix some aspect of our life to be truly happy, often spending a lot of time and money on products and regimes that promise the quick results we yearn for. The most common pursuits for happiness revolve around love, money and health. Have you ever noticed how often a person, over time, will go right back to the struggle they started with: losing a lot of weight and then gaining it back, getting in and out of a relationship or staying in a bad one. So many individuals who win the lottery end up more broke then they were before they won. Sometimes even after getting results we still feel something is missing, so we go on the pursuit of another goal and on and on like a roller coaster ride. Juggling all of these goals in pursuit of happiness is exhausting.
Are you ready to get off the roller coaster, stop juggling and create balance in all areas of your life: Love, Money, and Health in spiritual harmony?
First, here are some of the questions you can ask yourself to discover what might be blocking you from not just getting results but feeling happy and joy-full in all areas of your life. Take a moment, and as you read the questions, observe how you feel in your heart and in your belly.
How much of what you want do you feel you are allowed to have?
What do you feel is possible for you in regard to relationships, money, and happiness?
What are the limitations in your current life situation that you accept you just have to live with?
When you were growing up, were you criticized when you felt proud or wanted to accomplish something big? Did you experience anything that limited your self-worth?
A flea can jump 200 times its size. If you put a flea in a jar and tightly screw on the lid, the flea will only jump as high as the lid. If a flea has babies in the jar, it will teach the babies that limitation. When you remove the lid, the fleas will never ever even try to jump any higher than what they were taught possible. Old belief systems can be like a lid of a jar. The stories of betrayals, judgments, and all the hurt you hold on to, continue to repeat and create the framework for the life you live now and become your biology.
The good news is that you can change your life by releasing the stories and the attachment to the drama. The moment you’re ready to accept that events in your life are happening FOR you and not TO you, you step out of the disempowering victim mode. Then you can begin to replace non-supportive habits with energizing, life enhancing ones, not because you are afraid of getting sick, but because you are willing to be well. By taking responsibility for your quality of life, you begin to transform your life experience.
Transformation is not a walk in the park. It is a birthing process that can be painful, messy and inconvenient. Are you ready? When living on auto-pilot isn’t working anymore and when the desire to be well is stronger than the attachments to the struggle and the pain, you know it’s time. Transformation is your Soul calling out for you to live from your authentic self. Transformation is not always easy but it is always rewarded with the experience of true joy, which is a byproduct of cultivating a happy heart.
Studies show that JOY is the fountain of youth! It creates a healthier, happier and more abundant life. We are designed for joy, which is why our bodies experience aches, pain and dis-ease when we are not in alignment with joy. We need to be happy to be able to feel joy. Our survival instinct drives us to find happiness because our life depends on it.
I am excited to offer you the opportunity to transform your life to live in-Joy with my 90 day coaching program: Foundation 4 your L.I.F.E. from the comfort of your home. This program offers you the tools and support you need to build a lasting, strong foundation for your LIFE. Live with Love and Inspiration, Fearless and Empowered! For more information go to