Britt Musician Host Family Needed for July 30th to August 20th

 Do you have a vacant guest house, an apartment over your garage or perhaps need a house sitter for this three-week period? We have two Britt Orchestra musicians, a married couple, in need of a host family.

The Britt Host Family Program has been around for 50 years and is a fun opportunity to get involved with music in a very personal way. As a host family, you’re asked to provide a place for the musicians to sleep and a private or shared bathroom. You are not expected to provide meals or transportation for your musicians.  Most musicians appreciate some use of your kitchen and laundry facilities as well as a place to practice their instruments (their bedroom is fine).

Over the years, several of our musicians and hosts have formed long-lasting friendships that are rekindled each year by their return to Britt. Just as many people have come to anticipate and enjoy the return of the swallows to Capistrano or the annual return of the Monarch butterflies to Mexico, many local residents feel it wouldn’t be August in Jacksonville without the Britt musicians making their twice daily walk through downtown, instruments on their backs, headed for a rehearsal or performance on the Britt Hill.

Become a part of our Britt family. You just may get hooked on the feeling of being a part of this annual family reunion of musicians and host families, some of whom are local and many others who travel here from all over the U.S. and Canada.

(As a thank-you for being a host, you’ll receive an invitation to special events and parties as well as some general admission tickets to the 2012 Classical season.)