JoyFull Living by Louise Lavergne – Back to school /work with less stress:
The moment so many parents (and a few kids) have been waiting for– back to school. There are so many emotions around this time of year, even if you don’t have kids. It’s a childhood sense memory that seems to give us all the urge to buy school supplies. Whether the feelings are excitement, joy or dread… we all have to make the transition from vacation mode and the lazy days of August to the deadlines and realities of getting back to school/work and taking care of business. This can be an especially stressful time for both parents and kids but September is also a great time to set up new strategies for a successful school year or back to work time. Taking preventative steps to keep the stress levels down is one of the most effective ways to keep our immune system strong and stay healthy. Here are a few suggestions that can apply to both kids and adults.
Take time every morning to breathe, set your intentions for the day and practice the JoyFull prayer of LIGHT, PEACE AND LOVE (see below)
- Get into the habit of making a list. Writing things down helps to reduce mental stress. Trying to remember all the little details can cause us to forget the more important things. Kids are excellent list makers. Encourage them to make their own list with words or pictures.
- Every night, go over what is needed for the next day. Don’t wait for the morning rush. Leave everything you can get ready beforehand by the door.
- Identify the big rocks and little rocks. Get the hardest/longest part of the homework or task done first.
- Forgive yourself and others at the end of each day. Let go of resentments and grudges. Talk about it. If something did not go well in you child’s day, discuss with them other ideas and strategies that might have made it better.
- Schedule time to do things you love to do.
- Make a gratitude list and review it daily. It is wonderful to share with family members or with your partner.
- Laugh out loud together often. Laughter is an instant vacation. It is also a powerful way to diffuse stress and boost your immune system.
- Practice random acts of kindness. Inspire your children, partner &/or friends to do one nice thing for someone. Share your experiences at the end of the day.
- Eat right, avoid junk or processed foods, and plan your lunches ahead.
- Pack a water bottle for you and your kids to make sure everyone drinks enough throughout the day.
- Make exercise part of your day. Doing simple yoga stretches together, putting music on to dance and/or get out and walk or play outside, before or after dinner, whenever the weather is nice. Be the example for your children or partner. Don’t wait for “when you have time.” Make it a habit at least 3 times a week.
- Get plenty of rest. Avoid eating before going to bed. Practicing left nostril breathing by blocking the right nostril, will help you get to sleep.
- Most important, take time to Breathe! Remind each other, especially in stressful situations. Make it fun- come up with a code word or phrase like “peanut butter jelly” or simply saying, “let’s breathe” or “belly breath.”
JoyFull Prayer:
Light before me
Light behind me
Light at my left
Light at my right
Light above me
Light below me
Light unto me
Light within every cell of my body now
Light in my surroundings
Light to all
Light to the Universe
Peace before me
Peace behind me
Peace at my left
Peace at my right
Peace above me
Peace below me
Peace unto me
Peace within every cell of my body now
Peace in my surroundings
Peace to all
Peace to the Universe
Love before me
Love behind me
Love at my left
Love at my right
Love above me
Love below me
Love unto me
Love within every cell of my body now
Love in my surroundings
Love to all
Love to the Universe
Of course it only works if you “do it.” The more you practice, the easier it becomes and the greater the benefits. Breathe in gratitude- Live in Joy. © Louise Lavergne 2001-2012; 541-899-0707 Louise is a life coach, an international inspirational speaker, author, creator of JoyFull Yoga and JoyFull living coaching. She owns JoyFull Yoga LLC in Jacksonville where she offers private sessions and group classes. Email us your questions at