Love Your Landscape – April 2019

Attracting desirable birds to your landscape can be a simple and enjoyable job with spectacular results. There are several easy steps you can take to create an environment in your landscape plan where birds will frequent and gather.

The first consideration is planting specific trees, shrubs, ground covers and perennials that attract several species of eye-catching birds.

Several native Northwest plants provide refuge and a good source of food for desirable birds. Many of these plants are drought-tolerant and can survive extreme weather conditions.

Here are just a few examples of native trees that are a good choice: Bitter Cherry, Chokecherry, Hawthorn, Several species of Plum, Oaks, Oregon Myrtle, Western Hazelnut, and Western Crabapple.

Here is a sample list of native shrubs that work well: Cranberry bush, Elderberries, Currant, Huckleberries, Mountain Ash, Oregon Grape, Roses, Salmonberry, and Serviceberry.

Larger evergreen trees to consider include: Firs, Incense Cedars, Ponderosa Pines and Western Hemlock.

Keys to attracting desirable birds include providing water, and of course, a good bird feeder. Specific feeders and the bird seed you put in them are designed to attract particular types of birds.

Providing water for birds in your landscape can be as simple as a small bird bath or as elaborate as a large water feature with waterfalls and a large pond. This choice depends on the size of the space available and your budget.

With only a few possible alterations and small additions to your landscape, you can enjoy the many beautiful birds that call Southern Oregon home.